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Photography 2025

ZOOMIn2 is about taking photographs of your special space, or a place you are passionate about.  We are looking for natural areas in Tayside, not buildings or people.  We want to know which green spaces or natural heritage features you find important.  The photographs you take each month will form a timelapse record showing the different seasons of your one special place.

So – what do I do?  Find something you want to study through the seasons – it could be an apple tree, a view across the park, a school pond, sand dunes by a beach, the care home patio, a far-reaching country view or even a special shrub next to your garage!  Find a marker or something you can easily return to every month to frame your photo – so that each photo is the same every time – and then take your first photo (follow the instructions below on what to do next).  In a month’s time, take your second photo of exactly the same thing, and then a third month, and so on. You may not notice much difference at first, but when it becomes a timelapse, you will be astonished how the seasons change everything!

Anything Goes

As was seen in the first ZOOMIn2 project, anything goes – anything that is natural: from the smallest collection of pebbles on a sandy beach or a tree in your local park, to a view along a glen or your favourite woodland. It doesn’t have to be in the countryside – it could be a street tree, a local pond or nearby river. It could be your back garden, a community orchard, your school wildlife garden, or a corner of an allotment.